Monday, November 10, 2008


So this past weekend we traveled to the big city of Omaha for Boo and her dance class to attend Dance Olympus. On Saturday there was a competion. I found humor in the fact that they were assigned the "Green Room" for their dressing room vs. dressing room 1 or 2, etc.

Here they are in the green room, Boo is right behind this little girl that stepped in front on me right when the picture snapped. LOL

You couldn't take any flash photography in the the auditorium, and I didn't know how to shut my flash off, plus it was pretty dark so they probably wouldn't have turned out anyway - (atleast that's what I'm telling my self) . Here is Boo and her dance mate with their 2 third place trophies! The two teams that beat them in both their Tap and Jazz were VERY good!!

Arn't their costumes just adorable!

Here's a pic. of the hairdo that we had to do. One of the mom's actually gave a demonstration on how we were to do the hair! The hair tutuorial was a little overwhelming, and I told Boo that she was so screwed because she had me to do her hair. But we practiced and I think it turned out pretty cute! Although, she did get a couple of odd looks at the mall! LOL


Kat said...

She looks so cute and the hair is mahvelous - I would NEVER be able to pull that off. Not in a million years! Good Job Mom!

Jane! said...

Great job on the hair!
Congrats to the girls!

Jaysey said...

That? Is a serious hair-do!

Jen said...

Did you find tickets to the KSU/NU game? I have an extra one, if you would like to go with me. (My husband is completely disgusted with KSU this season, so he doesn't want to use his season ticket.) Also, since it is a long drive and all, you are invited to stay at our house, if you would like. Let me know!

Anonymous said...

So this is where you went. Cool pics.
