Tuesday, February 17, 2009

President's Day

So, yesterday I had the day off for President's Day. And hubby took it off too.

He was hoping to get "lucky", but I had other plans. (insert evil laugh)
(side note - notice the new paint color on the walls above - we finished painting on Sunday, - now he just needs to finish the wiring and start the trim) (Jordan do you see you're apron?)

Seriously, he was aware of the carpets getting cleaned when he took the day off.
And he took me to lunch too

Well at least one of us got to relax!!
When I took the girls to school Monday morning, some school group - the FFA, I think- was doing a seat belt check. If you were wearing your seatbelt you got a piece of candy, but if not then you got a dumb dumb sucker. Luckily every one in the car had their seat belts on and even I got a piece of candy, but WHY did they do this on the one day that I litterally roll out of bed, throw my hair up in a pony, no makeup, to do this? Not on every other day, when my hair is fixed and my face doesn't look all wrinkled and puffy?! WHY?


Kelly said...

Ugh, I hate seeing people I know when I look like I just rolled out of bed.

Lucky Wife/Bookaholic said...

I spy with my little eyes...
My apron!

Murphy (of murphy's law) must have taken a day off from torturing me and decided to show his ugly face at your house... The ONLY time people want to talk to me are the days that I have on paint stained sweats, multi-colored socks, and yesterdays makeup smeared around my eyes.

Becca said...

I look like that most days of the week. Amazing, the day that we were on the plane going to Hawaii, everyone looked like that! I am all about comfort first!

Jane! said...

I love the paint color!!
I also love to see a man cleaning carpets.
I could SO use that bad boy at my house about now!

Kat said...

Can I borrow your Hubby, my carpets need cleaning too!